Thursday, January 30, 2014

Horns2halos, Overexposed, Knights of Darkness, & Scissorjack Live @ Zombies Bar Saturday January 26th

Zombies Bar Had a Great Turn out with Some Great Musician of San Antonio. I noticed this was a Show with Nothing But Men who were playing and performing. The night before, I went to see Ladies Of Mayhem @ Bonds 007 so it was kind of cool because it was a theme or a thing I planned. But any who, I actually was invited by the band's lead singer (Scissorjack), Joseph to come and check out the band. BUT of course, I always want to see what other band's are playing and check out the other great talented guys/gals that headline or play at the shows. As me and my Javi (the guy who took the photos) arrived, we saw that the band, Knights Of Darkness doing a mic check and everyone almost ready to start the show. As the show began, I thought to myself, I hope these guys play some original(s) music because that's my favorite and as well that's what makes(some) band's very unique and rock (in my book anyway). 
My Dream came TRUE! That's what I heard ALL NIGHT LONG! I Was Very impressed with EVERY band made me Feel and STILL have hope, that Music IS STILL ALIVE in THIS CITY! Rock & METAL is STILL Rock'n! 

Here is A few Photos of Saturday Night's Performances: 

First Band Knights Of Darkness

Second Band Overexposed From AUSTIN, TX: 

Third Band Horns2halos:

Last BUT NOT LEAST, Scissorjack :

Thank YOU again, Javier Limon for taking the photos for me!  AND THANK YOU Joseph For Inviting US OUT!  

Kat's Block (Side note):
I'm a HUGE Supporter of ALL & ANY type of music (MUSIC IS MUSIC), and performers because, from personal experience(s), I know it does take a lot of courage, time, effort, dedication, & to make everything come together sounding great or amazing (to the band and audience). It's not easy but I believe with my whole heart, Bands of any kind or sorts, love to play for FANS, FAMILY & FRIENDS and Love THE SUPPORT YOU GIVE THEM! Encouragement is the best thing to give ANY MUSICIAN. -Kat \m/

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ladies of Mayhem Rock Show at Bond's Rock Bar Friday, Jan 24th With War On Sunday, Heather Leather, Dirty Rae, Worst Case Scenario, All The Time & Prizmatic

 So Last Week was one of my most challenging weeks that I have ever conquered on my own and tried my best to NOT let it get ME DOWN! So What was the best solution to get me up and going?? By starting the weekend off with a Ladies Night @ Bonds 007 Which featured San Antonio's Best of our Ladies of Metal putting on an ALL TIME Show Featuring : War On Sunday (Which I totally missed, had to work til 8pm, So sorry Ladies, Catch Ya Next time) Heather LeatherDirty RaeWorst Case ScenarioAll The Time & Prizmatic(Sorry I missed you gals, had an emergency, but will definitely gotta check ya'll out next time, PROMISE!)
So as I got into Bonds second floor, I felt this "Love" feeling in the room. You might ask yourself, 'What do you mean?' What I mean by that is when I looked around the place, all you saw was family, friends from all around, and everyone being so supportive with everyone's band. That's Love. 
So I and my Friend's brother (who's been taking my photos for me to the show's I've been going to), took a few photos of the show and bands we got to see. I would like to have these bands play again, maybe like a once in a month to show San Antonio who ARE these "Ladies Of Mayhem?" 
Why not?
I was Very Surprised how Much Caitlyn did special songs with a few of bands(Heather Leather & Dirty Rae,from the one's I saw)  and was BLOWN away from how she just got up there and Sang the songs FLAWLESSLY! Just like Heather Leather band stated: 'She's the OUR NEXT generation singer!' Totally must agree with the band. 
Here are a Few Photos of Friday's "Ladies Of Mayhem Show" @ Bonds 007(Sorry again for the one's I missed) 

Heather Leather: INCREDIBLE WOMEN! HAND'S DOWN AND SUCH A GREAT SUPPORTER OF LOCAL MUSIC! My Favorite cover that BLEW ME AWAY WAS Them singing a Cover Of King Diamond! A MUST BAND TO SEE! \m/

Dirty Rae: Beautiful Sound & a Definitely a favorite band of Mine! 

 Caityln of Worst Case Scenario Special Guest With Dirty Rae

Worst Case Scenario : A Group of Young Talent that WILL keep old traditions of Rock & Metal ALIVE!

All The Time : A Twist of some Old school punk with some heavy style of rock which made me think of a underground sound. Loved the sound! Keep it UP! \m/

Again, I'm sorry to Prizmatic & War On Sunday Bands that I couldn't make it to see you Gals! All I heard and seen visual photos of y'all show was nothing BUT positive feedback from fans and bands. Keep up the good work Everyone! And Remember, TO SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BANDS AND VENUES! \m/ Kat

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Zombies Continued Birthday Party Saturday, January 18th With Speical Guest: Sköll, Broken Soul, Even In Death, Silent Minority, Wings of Abaddon, & INOVO

Zombies Birthday Celebration #2 Event was filled with energy, Music and full people celebrating 4 years (at the location) at Zombies Bar. I and a friend got there a few minutes late (so I missed the first set, SORRY), but my Friend, Javi went early to check the First Band who started the party with SKÖLL(Photos Below)

The fill of the room with the sounds of metal and underground are sounds he has never heard before. He said he wishes the crowd was there to hear the sounds because he was a pretty good singer, and the music that was put together was very differently. It didn't sound like a normal, heavy metal band. Maybe not start a party so early (Ha)! I explained to him, it's NEVER to early to party, plus a lot of bands are playing tonight. 

Next band to play, was Broken Soul. Broken Soul had a singer, named R.C. who just not ONLY Sings, but played the bass as well! Pretty cool because I rarely see singers play bass guitar when they sing, it's usually guitar. Nice change of scene. What I heard their songs, it was very different and yet very poetic. Had a sense of feelings from both bad and good experiences. All there songs were originals which I keep stating, are my most favorite because it not the same o' same o' radio songs we hear on the radio all the time and the songs MEAN something to the band and audience(s). I would like to hear a bit more of this band, as in more songs since there set was a bit short. 

                                 (R.C. Featured below)              

Even In Death kept the celebration rolling with their first original, FREEZE. I personally believe this IS going to be their #1 hit of all the songs that are military related! With Spencer, (lead singer),the talented guitars, bass & percussion, these guys got it going on. Showing us how rock STILL Lives ON! \m/
(Spencer, Lead of Even In Death) 
 (Danny, Guitarist of Even In Death, Below) 
 (Anthony, Basses of Even In Death) 

(Josh, Guitarist) 

 (Even In Death

Zombies had another kind of genre in the mix, Punk Rock band, Silent Minority! Incredible sound and yet I felt like it was 1998 listening to some old school Ramones, but yet this band has a twist on the music Punk Rock genre. You gotta check them out to understand what I mean. What I thought was funny, was when I had a few people tell me or actually ask me, 'Isn't that the bartender('s) that was serving me?' I replied, 'Yes, they are and how multi-tasked they are & talented!' 

Keeping the party still going, the next band didn't need an introduction because this band is apparently very known well in San Antonio! Wings Of Abaddon rocked the stage with nothing but solid metal music with wanting all of zombies crowd screaming for more! Lead singer, Kobey changed the setting from Rock genre to Black metal sounds with incredible riffs and sound filling the room with power and intensity! Keep Black METAL ALIVE! It's hard to find and listen to nowadays since It's not the genre you hear everyday! 

(Wings Of Abaddon, Front man, Kobey) 

Last, but certainly not the least, this was actually the last show for the band, Inovo. I have never seen these guys before and yet I had such a privilege to check them out but am sadden this was there final and last show. When the band came out with the banners, lights, and as well a huge crowd with them, they just blew the party right off with the best metal music to DATE! I can't get over how this was there last show. If you missed out, you missed a heck of a crowd and as well the best party that San Antonio had Saturday night!

I want to wish Zombies again a Happy Birthday & thankful you guys are STILL one of San Antonio's Great MUSIC Venues to play and Keep Rocking out great drinks, snacks and People you have working there. I can't wait for Zombies to have another place for music to be played and you can again, Donate(2ND LOCATION) at there location, web and of course, BUY a Zombie shirt! 

I would also Like to thank, my friend, Javier for taking these photos and taking time for me to do these. We DO apologize for the "Redness" of the photos, but the lighting was always red on the stage, so that's out of our control. Thank you guys for reading and as well, KEEP MUSIC ALIVE AND SUPPORT YOUR MUSIC SCENE! \m/ -Kat 

*Next show I will be at will be "Ladies Of Mayhem Rock Show" @ Bonds 007 Friday night Check out the Link to see who is all playing!! Bonds 007 Event PHOTO